Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I told the truth today...
Jerome: hey
Misty: Why didn't you hang with Elayna today?
Jerome: I have work to do
Misty: You were isolated
ha ha
I asked her to talk to Ieuan for me...
Jerome: im still working just taking a break
oh ok
Misty: and she was telling him that I like him soooooooo much.
Jerome: to tell him what?
Misty: WTF
No just to see if he liked me
Jerome: oh, y didnt u ask?
Misty: cuz I didn't have the balls to get my feelings hurt
Jerome: lol, so howd it turn out
Misty: bad.
3:10amJerome: too bad
3:10amMisty: He doesn't like me
3:10amJerome: whatd he say
3:10amMisty: she says
3:10amJerome: oh ok
well, sorry
3:10amMisty: that it was a mistakes
yeah yeah
I should go lez
3:11amJerome: lol, i doubt u could
3:11amMisty: maybe not. But the only people to think I'm attractive are gay men and females
3:11amJerome:eh, what can u do?
Im single now too
so no worries
3:12amMisty: yeah but you okay with it
3:12amJerome: ...not really
I am not used to not having people hit on me
it's a new phenomenom
I'm kinna pissed but I expected this
well you seem to have good instincts so why dont u follow them?
cuz I'm not a cold person...yet
well thats good
Some just give up because they fail
I guess I'm not like that
thats good
which can be a strength or weakness
youre too young for my kind of cynascism
But I wanna be cold like you!!
it's not all it's cracked up to be
like when you say youre fst, but then elayna would kill to look like you
be grateul for what you have
my world is kinda lonely sometimes
But you don't seem to care!
That's the beauty
I do care...
trust me when I say this
Stay hopeul as long as you can, I gave up my emotions years ago and I am better in many ways, but I would die to understand the emotions that I used to have again
What? Pain and having your feelings hurt all the time?
No way
Emotions are a waste
emotions let you know youre alive
whats the point in living if you cant feel alive
You won't have to cry or feel that yucky feeling in your chest...
or that pain when you;re trying to hild back tears
I cry everyday
I stare at the ceiling and cry for no reason
I blast my music so loud, so I dont have to hear myself thing
So I dont have to wake up and realize that my life is just a broadway show with great musical numbers that no one understands
not true
trust me, I have never been more honest in my life
It hurts to be so honest
I mean physically, my head is pounding
I'm sorry..
THis happens whenever I try to understand or deal with what I cant understand
Dont feel sorry for me, but dont envy me either
I didn't mean to bring up something so deep
not youre fault I can always stop, or not start
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Who Knew (A Poem)
That at a moments notice I can be whisped away to memories of days when you still held me
When I could have never believed that in a few years you would go away
Who knew that you would disappear
Who knew I would watch as you slowly drove away for the last time
Sometimes when I am alone, I still mourn
For us, for me, for you
For what we could have been
For who I could have been with you
For what you have become without me
It is during those times that what separates us seems trivial
But I always get lost in pursuit
Of the one that got away
The only one I will ever want to have stayed
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Verdict: Innocent
"L 'Via
Daughter Miranda
Your surname was changed
L 'Via
Without Eyes, I want to give
A story without my mother
I just want to tell you
The pain of night says
Only staying clothing
You wash the blood
L 'Via
Do not forget to relax
On the street you walk
Who you going to pursue
L 'Via
You want to kill
Machete teeth
Cabezas de gallo
L 'Via
Sleep in peace
Open your eyes
Everything will change
L 'Via
Dreamed of revenge
And I swear to you
We are going to pay
Blackmailed, she fell off every mountain
The ones they tightly wrapped in tape
In her eraser sang the guilty
As it made the best mistakes
And with every body that I find
And with every claymore that they mine
I will not forget who I'm looking for
Oh mother help me I'm looking for"
- The Mars Volta
L'Via L'Vasquez
Guilty till proven Guilty
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Music Discovery
(In No Particular Order)
I Want To Break Free
Another One Bites The Dust
Fat Bottom Girls
You're My Best Friend
Don't Stop Me Now
We Are The Champions
I Want It All
Who Wants To Live Forever
And then there are the two that I have fallen in love with, and will now and as far as I can see have on my absolute favorites list.
We Will Rock You - This simple beat feeds my soul!
Under Pressure - Genius, definitely a top 20 of all timer.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
No More Mr Nice Gay!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
So I did this?
I refuse to let his voice be the only one heard! Remember if John McCain becomes president Sara Palin will be just one 72 year old's heart beat away from the most powerful position in the world!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Chasing Pavements
Monday, October 13, 2008
Blind Secret
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Racism Is Not Dead... Sadly
By Hussein he is referring to Barack Hussein Obama... Seriously...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I am so dissapointed
That is the most butt ugly device I have ever been privy to in my 21yrs of life upon this moist planet. Please tell me some scorn ex-employee decided to get their revenge by allowing this to get out... please let that be the case. That thing looks like a turd the Game Gear shat out. And it is the size of a credit card? Why would I want to do anything on that, you do realize that the iPod Classic is much bigger than a credit card... PSP killer by buttocks! If this is what Sega is cooking up I hope that Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, SCEA CEO Jack Tretton, Bill Gates AND Steve Jobs (the all iPods play games better than this would) are having a mighty big laugh while watching SEGA burn themselves to the ground, this is ridiculous.
Ok and while I am on this Razzy Rant, why doesn't Apple just by SEGA? They could make the DS/PSP killer and we all could live happily ever after!
One more thing... Why has Microsoft not come out with a portable yet? For that matter why has Sony refused to allow the PSP to be used as a controller for the PS3? If they did I would walk out of my house right now and plop down the egregious amount of money Sony wants for their sad attempt at innovation. PS3=We want you to buy BluRay... please. Kill me!
Conservatives are retards...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Birthday Report.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
"How the fuck am i ever gonna meet new people if i don't throw myself out there? Then i think, if i do go out I'll just have to get so fucked up to handle being around people, that I'm not gonna meet anyone new if the first place cause I'll just be the fucked up porn star in the corner that people look at and point at and don't want anything to do with. Thanks but no thanks. The discomfort of being alone is much easier to manage than that."
-Erik Rhodes
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Trying to string together two words, has never been as frigid as this
Something is amiss
My body feels like it been spoiled in piss
Like I’m a willing partner in an S&M flick
This is bullshit that I have to feel this way
This is bullshit that she always does this to me
I thought the flame was smothered
The embers lay emboldened
Emblazoned and brazen waiting for a spark
What it got was a match
Though a time bomb it was not
Every word still hurt
Every work unspoken leaves our relation tattered and broken
And frayed and dismayed in ways repairs could take days
Weeks, months, years this continues
I think I’m going to need the wine menu
‘Cause this ain’t it
It’s not getting it
It’s not working
I’m hungry for a revolution
A resolution a grievances
‘Cause my resolve is waning
And my endurance is tanking
And I got to deal
With this raw deal I’ve been dealt
I can’t keep waiting for the for the googolplex clock to stop
I can’t keep wait for the second ball to drop
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I was on Yahoo! Finance reading the comments left about what was going on and I came across this one from Kent S and thought that I should share he writes:
How "WILD" is this ?? If you really want to help the American Public hold on to their houses?? Let's Try This. 1. Create a 700 Billion Dollar Credit line ...and GIVE IT A PORTION OF IF TO THE PEOPLE .."DIRECTLY" who got dumped out of their homes already. They followed the pied-pipers in the Disaster, trying to provide shelter for themselves and their families. Maybe a few dollars could get them back on their feet ? 2. Set up a relief fund for those who are about to get foreclosed on with the a portion of this 700 billion dollar bailout as well so they don't become future victims 3. Finally with the remaining balance set up a Legal Fund to sue the numerous individuals who created this irresponsible mess. But IF they are still employed in relation to the mortgage or housing industry.. FIRE THEM ! ... Why does this seem do-able? Well if the tax payers are going to pay for it.. at least let them get something for it. Maybe instead of bailing out these financial buffoons, they should have to feel and experience what they have done to the economy and our American Citizens.
FYI I did edit the grammar some of it was atrocious, but he's got my vote.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Unitentionaly Hilarious

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
More Home Movies
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
In case you were wondering...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Home Videos
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A Guy
Is it wrong for me to love his eyes
To wish I was the dust that swirls through the air at the bat of his lashes
To want to be that bead of sweat the the sun spotlights as it unsteadily crawls down the back of his neck
I don't thin that anyone but me could look at him and see the poetry the way I do
I wonder what is hiding beneath that hat that always seems to be glued to his dark brown raven's nest of hair
I sit as far from him as possible but as close as I can and in my mind I smell his skin and can see the every willow wisp of hair that breaks his perfectly tanned skin.
Did I mention that he smells like orange blossoms but taste sweet and bitter like a honey suckle spray
I wish I was those stings of denim holding close the his old scarred knee...
I wonder, and wonder and wish as he walks, he walks away from me
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Refer Madness (2005)
Ok I admit it that Jimmy is a little hottie so that totally is a plus. Ok so the next favorite is actually called "The Stuff" the woman who is singing is from SNL, she was also the mother on "Mean Girls". She is hilarious in this movie just like in everything. I don't know what her name is and although I could totally just type in mean girls into this search bar in the same browser I'm typing in... you know what's so bad is that as I typed that last sentence I glanced into the search bar and reefer madness is still there from my search earlier... You know now I'm just willfully not looking. Here's the clip...
Ok so I have one last clip for you. It's called "Listen to Jesus Jimmy"... yeah, I know. Just take a look.
All I have to say is I GOT A NEW GOD NOW!!!
The best video EVER!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Chicago (2002)
The Wiz (1978)
OMG... Nuff said. Seriously this movie is amazing. Everytime I watch it I razzle my dazzle off, ok that was bad but you know... lol. Below is my favorite scene it's the biggest number Cell Block Tango.
How spicy was that?! Ok now this movie is so very trampy vampy camp and deliciously murderous. And who doesn't love all of that?
Ok so next is a film that is almost forgotten. I guarantee that if it was done with white actors it would have a had a much longer staying power. The Wizard of Oz did, so why didn't The WIZ? It's awesome it's so funky flashy and fun. Now I admit that the movie version lacks much of the flare that the Broadway production has in Aces, but what can you do? Below is a clip that somebody put together of some of the highlights of The WIZ.
And for now this is where I leave it. I have lots of other favorites but for right now I need to determine proper order and secure clips so enjoy for now.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Jay's Journal September 6, 2008.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I'm here...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Solange Presents: Sol-Angel and the Hadley Street Dreams

Solange Presents: Sol-Angel and the Hadley Street Dreams is Solange Knowles' sophomore album released August 26, 2008. It is a wide departure from her horrible debut ironically (though she didn't seem to know) titled debut Solo Star. As you can see she really likes her name. To put it plainly Solange Presents: Sol-Angel and the Hadley Street Dreams is a rare album in today's music space. It is an album that actually shows depth and growth from a singer that once was a shallow and pointless act to a artist that has experienced somethings in their life and has somethings to say not related to "love" but Love and Life.
The first single from the album "I decided" is a hot tune in the vein of 60's and 70's Popular R&B Soul and Funk. I was very surprised that she had made it, because I had written her off as a wanna be like Brooke Hogan. I was even more surprised that the whole of the album carries that same sound, I was sure that it was a fluke... it wasn't. Now I just got the album and on first listen it is a very solid album. I'm not wowed but it is a first listen and I'm getting used to the sound of it, besides the sound from my laptop's speakers are just garbage so I may be wowed when I can pump it up on my trusty stereo. I will say that I enjoy the fact that she chose to forgo the use of electronic instruments but instead used real instruments for the beats. To get the sound she was going after she Solange worked with producers such as Pharell Williams, Raphael Saadiq, and Mark Ronson and also working with Boards of Canada, Jack Splash, Bama Boyz, Shea Taylor, Marsha Ambrosius of Floetry.

I will also say that I do like the fact that she is portraying the image of the album in everything she has done as of late. In very Madonna style she is keeping the image together every image that you I have seen of her since the launch of the first single has been very put together very period specific and very much a quality representation of the sound and style of music. Mathew Knowles clearly knows what he is doing. Solange may in fact end up being a "Solo Star" after all.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Untitled Razzy Rant
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Another night.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
But he calls you and asks you to come over
Brash and unrestricted
Like he never abandoned you
Like that woman wasn’t his before he wasn’t yours
And you smile
Bat the lashes
Reply back
And think again that this time will better
I know that you that I know that this time won’t be better
But you can’t help that your past keeps invading your present
And he won’t leave or remove himself from your presence
Without care the winds bring him back
And you consider taking him back
But like the breeze very soon he up and leaves
You find that he’s not only stolen your heart
but also your sleeve
And that leaves you naked and wanting
And waiting for him
But the forecast is grim
Only for you
There’s sunshine for him.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I know that for me 11 years of servicing him is more
I call
And I know that even if he calls me back
I’ll be some foreign after thought
Some 3am wind down after the club
Or some midnight pre club ramp up
He always smells of cheap liquor and cigarette smoke either way so I never know
I’m not an idiot
And I know that I like it
But I feel guilty when he’s gone
And the only gift he left was his semen dancing in my stomach
Or the random pubic hair that got caught in between my teeth
Or the cooler smother section of my face where his ejaculated used to be
I know it’s sad but those thing fulfill me
So I call him
Knowing that to him, I am just another hole
That I’m just another mouth feed
That I’m just another one of the ones on the list
The never ending list of the bodies left cold in the trail
I wonder if he ever gets annoyed that this zombie just won’t die
Friday, July 18, 2008
HOLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA back young people!
OMG I finally got it back! It works perfectly though just like if you replace your engine or transmission on a car it never works quite the same. There is some lag with the shutter but I will have to use it for a bit to see if it in fact needs to go back to SONY... again hopefully not. I will be giving you guys or rather person new shots asap.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Adele - 19 (2008)

The most stand out tracks on the album are (in order) "Chasing Pavements", "Right as Rain", "Melt my Heart to Stone", "My Same" and "Best for Last". I purposefully neglected to add "Cold Shoulder" to this list because though I love it I dont know if it has staying power just yet, but we shall see.
Chasing Pavements
Right as Rain
I sincerely encourage you to visit YouTube and check out some her live performances and also you can hear her whole album on various videos. I have included a link to a few of my favorties please take a moment, listen, and discover the future of music... Adele Adkins
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
An Update
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
My hands are frozen
Trying to string together two words, has never been as frigid as this
Something is amiss
My body feels like it been spoiled in piss
Like I’m a willing partner in an S&M flick
This is bullshit that I have to feel this way
This is bullshit that she always does this to me
I thought the flame was smothered
The embers lay emboldened
Emblazoned and brazen waiting for a spark
What it got was a match
Though a time bomb it was not
Every word still hurt
Every work unspoken leaves our relation tattered and broken
And frayed and dismayed in ways repairs could take days
Weeks, months, years this continues
I think I’m going to need the wine menu
‘Cause this ain’t it
It’s not getting it
It’s not working
I’m hungry for a revolution
A resolution a grievances
‘Cause my resolve is waning
And my endurance is tanking
And I got to deal
With this raw deal I’ve been dealt
I can’t keep waiting for the for the googolplex clock to stop
I can’t keep wait for the second ball to drop
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Why would such a merciful god place blame and curse for blasphemies not yet relieved from my skin?
I do not believe that such a man would create such a woman
I do not believe that a man would set a series of situations solely meant to siphon the sensibility that he has so sanctimoniously sanctioned upon thee
I know that I am right; even if I am wrong I am right
There is no man above sightseeing in the clouds
Crying tear to create floods
Clapping jovially to move mountains
Striking in anger at what his own hands have created
I do not know…
Better yet I don’t want…
I need to know why such a woman would breathe
Why such a woman would have the ovarian fortitude as to impose such regulations that regular people can not see through the red tape
Why won’t she let me in?
How the did the imaginary man?
Where did this journey begin?
Where did I lose her?
Who cut the cables?
Why are we not able to see past the prior inquisitions to see to a less tumultuous future.
To see to a movement,
The imaginary man gave us lips to speak but we not use them but for treachery
He gave us hearts but not to use them, rather keep them empty to filter the fantasies and poison seeds
Rival memories of black books
Murderous penguins
Lifeless angels.
I can say that I hope for the best but that would be a lie
It’s not right for the night imaginary inflammatory impostor to take credit for the beginning of this being if he not willing to take the solder of his own smoldering brimstone.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
On How It Is
Regardless of this immeasurable pain shot from the finger blade of my ironic angel I can’t help but be relieved by her presence.
Shallow and transparent ever present villainy permeates and eventually will permanently perverse my prominent personality, rhyme and reason.
Who will I be then? How much time will I spend? How much more glue is there to mend. How many more truths, this is truth No.2
I don’t have the words to say No.1. I don’t want to tell you, even though I know you want to know.
It seems that this is good for me, or so these eclipsing chariots scream so. At least these walls want to keep me safe and warm… I’m not so certain about sane.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
You write people’s obituaries while they are still alive?
I sang of a Sunday mourn
I sang of an afternoon wake
I sang of the first dusk without her
I sang of the memories
I sang of joy…
I sing with tears pouring, for the love of my life has just died
I sing because, my love, it is time to say goodbye.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Untitled 1
I want to make up my mind on which way to go.
If I should do what I think is write or should I write all that I think is wrong.
Going in circle my thoughts are a circus.
Univer-souly my life as a whole is on the rocks.
Like Disarono after the clock strikes at midnight.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Sun Rise at Belle Isle Park (2)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
You can’t put the weight on me
And tell me not to speak
You can’t involve me
Then expect me to veneer a child like resolve.
It’s too late
You can’t want me to do for you
And you not listen to me
Way you see it picking you is my new dirty job
I can’t even retort in debate
Or change the pace when were both running late
But I can lift you to your feet
And I can confront the aunt who falsely quit the need of a needle
And the want of a nail
But don’t get me involved
If my work won’t help to solve
The dilemma of all involved