On love, in sadness, in love… a brittle madness
I squeeze my last taste of life from his lips and pour it into a glass. I sipped it slow to make it last. Away the winds carried him in a silk thunder alone. I sat alone cradling the glass careful not to let a single drop drip. I had already shared too much of the man that I love with the grounds that are completely in different about his existence.
A full orbital revolution around the light I set eyes upon my bull, again. There he lay on the sand and it cuddled him. The water and sky put on a show meant only for his eyes. My eyes followed the sharp lines of my sand covered god. The air was light and had a familiar taste. With an upward tilt of his head he sent lightning through my soul. His smile reverberated through the very bones of humanity and for a moment… what I was feeling was shared by every human on earth. His eyes smiled as they noticed me.
We lay on the beach with the golden sun playing the soundtrack to our passions. We stayed that way from the dawn of night and the dusk of day. The waves became my alarm clock; I sprung to life and was greeted by his eyes staring into mine… his hands playing a symphony on my skin. I whispered in his ear and told him the circumstances under which this second meeting was arranged. I told him of the chains that kept us apart for so long and he smiled wider. His smile calmed my fear and strengthened me. I love him and he loves me. He bounces to his feet and begins to jump and dance fancy free. How it was that I went my whole life without noticing this man I cannot possibly understand. He is everything I want. I jump up and join with him to bask in the essence of life. Free. Running and playing and jumping and rolling like children, but better.
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